

Pedagogical Methods in Design Thinking for the Pursuit of Innovation

User Experience Design: A Case Study in Human Experience and Design Thinking

The pedagogy of design and technology at Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans


Typography and the Evolution of Hebrew Alphabetic Script: Writing Method of the Sofer

Hebrew Typography: A Modern Progression of Language Forms

Visual Communication: Use of Social Networking Platforms During Conflict


2016, 6th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication (ICTVC), "Discussing priorities | Developing a field", Thessaloniki, Greece (PR)

2015, The 29th Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Art, New York, NY (PR)


Bilingual Typography in Globalized Middle East Culture: Study of the Linguistic Landscape of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


2015, The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Communication Across the Life Span, San Juan, Puerto Rico, (PR)

2014, VISCOM 2014, University of Rhode Island, RI, MA (PR)

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